Contractors Insurance Services has partnered with Toys for Tots to help the children in our community have a wonderful Christmas.
HOW CAN YOU HELP?? Bring a new unwrapped toy to one of our locations in Austin and Round Rock and we will take it from there. The only restriction is that food nor violent toys will not be accepted such as, knives, guns, swords, etc.
Please help us make this a most memorable holiday season for the children who need our help the most right here in our own community!! Tell your friends and family to come drop off toys as well, the more the merrier!!
Posted Thursday, November 21 2013 11:46 AM
Tags : toys for tots, toys, for, tots, contractors, insurance, services, contractors insurance services, needy, children, christmas, gifts, donations, less, fortunate, marines, military, gift, of, giving, austin, texas, drop, off, drop-off,